KeeP GoInG....
It is 2.45 am on Monday morning....burning mid-night oil...studying hard for mid terms on Tues. Covered econs and 2 more chapters of Marketing to go..sigh...not knowing whether ill be able to remember all the theories I learnt. HATE MEMORIZING!!
Minoru called... i complained that i have lots of studying to do. Told him that i wont be going to lib to study but will drop by to get the marketing notes from Tim. He offered to photocopy the notes for me and dropping it to my place before he hits home tomorrow...such a nice guy he is!! Made my day...afterall cramp studying is not too disastrous accompanied with somebody's concern =P
Tsukareta & nemui!! im tired...sleepy. Studying without any music but with the soft snoring sound by mummy!! ANYONE of you experienced that before? ahha...funny er! gonna miss her so much when she goes back to Malaysia in end of Nov. Had a small arguement with her this evening about her saying that i dont appreciate her. Well, i guess she feels neglacted because i didnt pay much attention to her due to my exam. I cant do anything though as i MUST study... have to study even harder by realiasing that im paying 4 times more than the Canadians here!! Hate the fact that im an international student and worst off, I CANT SPEAK FRENCH! DARN IT....
Enuf of complaning for the day...gotta hit the books again.
Jas' Marketing Studying Progress
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Minoru called... i complained that i have lots of studying to do. Told him that i wont be going to lib to study but will drop by to get the marketing notes from Tim. He offered to photocopy the notes for me and dropping it to my place before he hits home tomorrow...such a nice guy he is!! Made my day...afterall cramp studying is not too disastrous accompanied with somebody's concern =P
Tsukareta & nemui!! im tired...sleepy. Studying without any music but with the soft snoring sound by mummy!! ANYONE of you experienced that before? ahha...funny er! gonna miss her so much when she goes back to Malaysia in end of Nov. Had a small arguement with her this evening about her saying that i dont appreciate her. Well, i guess she feels neglacted because i didnt pay much attention to her due to my exam. I cant do anything though as i MUST study... have to study even harder by realiasing that im paying 4 times more than the Canadians here!! Hate the fact that im an international student and worst off, I CANT SPEAK FRENCH! DARN IT....
Enuf of complaning for the day...gotta hit the books again.
Jas' Marketing Studying Progress

~*LiFe iS liKe a BoX oF cHoCoLaTe*~
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