The Story

Learning to talk less and keep more privacy to myself...
learning to LOVE myself more, trust myself more, and be my own friend.
Silence, many times, makes perfection. .SILENCE is golden.... if someone wants to know more bout me....look into my eyes and am sure they will hear the unspoken words.
Im reading this book...FEEL sooo much for it... as if the books is a knows exactly how i i think...and even has spoken the thoughts that I never known how to put into words.
I might be a changed person since im back, not sure is it a good thing..but at least im happy for now. I am learning to be less realistic and learn to understand the GREY area of life....i am so into surviving for passion...i want to burst upon the city like fireworks... one day...i want to be like that.. to shine and put a smile on those ppl who knows how to appreciate me...
"if u know me well enuf....u know im not a positive person...i live in the PAST of memories.... thats the only thing that keeps me going...cos i want to make something happy out of turn those sadness into precious moments...without those moments..ill not be a "beautiful swam" today dreaming again..caught between my dream and the reality..."
"I live day by if i dont belong here...neither i know where i belong..but it is day, one day...ill find my existence and even if i dont, at least, you acknowledge my presence here."
by Wei Hui
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