Tuesday, October 26, 2004

whAt WiLL i Do??

Sitting here.. staring at the computer screen, thinking and wondering how's Julie feeling as she is waiting for her husband to leave her life forever!

They got married 4 months ago and just as they are happily enjoying "just-married" life...he was rushed to the hospital 3 weeks ago. The doctor informed her that his condition was critical. The tumor in his brain got larger just in a few hours and in a few days time, he will not be able to talk, see and recognize people.

3 days..the doctor said two days ago. He is now lying on the bed...waiting for his turn to go. Suffering and at the same time, hoping for miracle to happen.

I can picture Julie sitting beside his dying body... holding his hand, tears flowing from her eyes, and her with a broken heart. She, looking at her newly married groom, taking careful notice of every breath he inhales...croosing her fingers, wishing that it will not be the last breath he takes.
The beeping sound of the cardioagraph has became immuned to her. All she cares now is about his every movement. If she is given a wish, Im sure she will wish for more time. She wants to be with him more than anybody else. She has faith even though she doesnt understand why God is doing this to her.

I try to put myself in her situation and i cant bear it.

1) Will i still be able to be so strong in faith?
2) Will i be able to sit there and wait for the last good-bye?
3) Will i run away from the reality?
4) Will i regret of marrying him?
5) Will i marry another person in future?

and the list goes on and on....

I think the hardest feeling is to knowing that the person you love most is about to leave you forever.
I used to have that feeling when my mum 1st discovered to have cancer. I feared every day that i was gonna lose her and every night i was scared that i wont be able to see her again the next morning.
But God has been so grateful and merciful. He showed great miracles to my family. It has been 5 yrs and my mum is still here until today. I thank Him for that.
As human, we will only appreciate something or someone when we know that we are gonna lose it. From that incident, i learnt to appreciate everyone besides me before it is too late. I also learnt that life is sometimes a joke.

I really hope that God will again show great miracle towards Julie's husband, but if He doesn't, do not be discouraged and despaired. Im sure He has a plan for that. We just gotta be patient and trust in Him that everything He does, that's a purpose.

Julie, our prayer is with you. Be strong and stand firm!!

~*LoVe gIvEs tHe tAsTe oF eTeRnItY*~


Friday, October 22, 2004

~*La FiN et le CoMMeNcEmEnT*~

The End & The Beginning...

Mummy always say that the end is the beginning of something else therefore shan't be too distracted or disturbed by it. She particularly stresses that Life Goes On and we should face the future with a strong and courage heart.

la fin .... It is finally the end of it. Been a while, a long while. We dont even know how long it took us... All I know was just that we weren't satisfied, happy about the situation and we both suffered. I hated the emptiness, loniness and self-pitiness throughout those quiet, dark and lonely nites. We determined.. we hoped...we held on to it...we tried and we failed. Nothing else can be done and nothing much to be said about ... ...

We shared tones throughout those days...sweet memories, comforts, laughters, fights, misunderstandings and most of all friendship. Those were the days we had... now it became our life history and it will only stay in the memory forever.
Everything will be different from now on and nothing will ever be the same again.

le commencement.... a new start , a new beginning, a new plan ahead...for you and I. We both agree on this... we are now satisfied. From now on, we both have a completely different path... you are going east while im going west. We both are reaching out to a totally different world and there, we build our dreams and future. The future seems bright... I don't hope we made the wrong step... i believe that there will be no regrets. Even if, let it be.....

~*LeT bY-GoNeS bE bY- gOnEs*~


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Mid-TeRm "JoKe"

Question is... WHEN is my ECON mid-term!!!

Studied til 230am this morning before sitting for the exams at 10am-1130 and 1145-2.30pm.
Went to class with all the econ theories and marketing concepts in my mind.
Sat in econ class like a zombie, feeling that my head was so heavy...waited for the teacher to come...
Countdown...20mins ...15min...3min...1min...to exam.
Waited, waited and waited...class getting louder and louder... "HE IS LATE" said a noname guy.."LETS go" said another guy and they headed towards the door. My eyes were still locked on my marketing notes as i didnt get to study much for my marketing exam which is at 11.45pm. BOOM!!...(from the door) "CLASS IS CANCELLED!" said the Arabic guy, then he switched off the lights and left.
I stood up slowly... complained to the guy sitting beside me that it was such a waste of time studying til late for both of my midterms. He thinks that the teacher is a bum and he has double standard as he told us that we MUST be in the class for the midterm no matter what consequences...not even urgency. And YET he was the one who didnt show up on the day of MID TERM!!
Come to think about it...i could have studied more for marketing (the exam was hard) if i were to know that the econ will be postpone.
This never happened in my student life before...how can the teacher cancel the exam on the day of exam! It is just like a "JOKE" to me.

~*DeTeRmInAtIoN iS tHe WaKe-uP CaLL tO tHe HuMaN WiLL*~


SoRRy...I JuSt CaNt

Sleeping comfortably on bed, memorizing the concepts of.....market segmentation, target marketing, market positioning...product..services..experience....defination of consumer goods, industrial goods.... ... ... .......

X: Has been a while ...how r u?
Y: yeah 3 yrs...im good...How r u?
X: Im happy over there and everything is good. I love the life style and the people.
Y: Im glad u r happy with ur life over there... I have been thinking of you a lot.
X: (Blush)..er...
Y: Even though you are gone for so long.. i think of being with u almost everyday. I hope i can be
there with you..sharing every single moment with you.
X: Thats the past...please dont mention it again.
Y: Do you think that we can....
X: No...that's no way...
Y: Why...why cant u give it a try?
X: I tried....But I just cant.
Y: It is hard for me too...
X: Yeah...then why...you still wana...
Y: Cause i still feel it..
X: No..its impossible....SORRY I JUST CANT..

beep! beep! beep!....:"Wake up...is 9 am ...u need to go for ur exam" said mummy.

~*To LoVe iS tO GeT HuRt*~


Monday, October 18, 2004

KeeP GoInG....

It is 2.45 am on Monday morning....burning mid-night oil...studying hard for mid terms on Tues. Covered econs and 2 more chapters of Marketing to go..sigh...not knowing whether ill be able to remember all the theories I learnt. HATE MEMORIZING!!
Minoru called... i complained that i have lots of studying to do. Told him that i wont be going to lib to study but will drop by to get the marketing notes from Tim. He offered to photocopy the notes for me and dropping it to my place before he hits home tomorrow...such a nice guy he is!! Made my day...afterall cramp studying is not too disastrous accompanied with somebody's concern =P
Tsukareta & nemui!! im tired...sleepy. Studying without any music but with the soft snoring sound by mummy!! ANYONE of you experienced that before? ahha...funny er! gonna miss her so much when she goes back to Malaysia in end of Nov. Had a small arguement with her this evening about her saying that i dont appreciate her. Well, i guess she feels neglacted because i didnt pay much attention to her due to my exam. I cant do anything though as i MUST study... have to study even harder by realiasing that im paying 4 times more than the Canadians here!! Hate the fact that im an international student and worst off, I CANT SPEAK FRENCH! DARN IT....
Enuf of complaning for the day...gotta hit the books again.

Jas' Marketing Studying Progress

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

~*LiFe iS liKe a BoX oF cHoCoLaTe*~


Friday, October 15, 2004


OKOK...just to satisfy you guys..here is my BLOG !!
(especially for you BOB..i know u r desperate to know what i have been doing =p, jk)

just kidding.. of cause i do wana blog but im SO busy!!
Let me see, in 4 days, i ll be sitting for 2 MAJOR mid-term exams...35% and 40% of finals!! IM SO STRESSED!! man...i just started studying and i have 5 more untouched, brand-new chapters to go...darn why am i still here!! i should be studying ...
Well, i really do hope that i will be able to pass them...sigh...TUESDAY the 19th is getting nearer!! I cant concentrate!! Something happened in my personal life and i dont even have time to think about it yet.. Besides, mummy is still in montreal with me n my bro and they have been fighting a lot..mummy cried yesterday because she had a fight with my bro...i dont really know what happened as i really have no time for that.. i do care but ..sigh...it is hard...i have a feeling that im gonna screw up my mid terms...HELP!!
i have so much to say but i just cant put them in words ... not in the mood to blog now...better ciao...

~*Love is patient, love is kind .....*~
